About Kim

Kim Trickey is one of the few western artists who is blessed to live the lifestyle she loves and paints. Born and raised in Arizona on a large working cattle ranch, Kim comes by her love and knowledge of ranch life and the cowboy way more honestly than most. A lifetime of observation and participation enables Kim to see the western essence not only through the lens of experience but also through the unique eyes of a woman. Born in the very small town of St. Johns, Arizona, she was a self-taught artist in her early years. Drawing and horses were always her first great loves. When Kim’s father asked her at age five what she wanted to be when she grew up, she confidently answered: “Mostly Queen, but part artist.” Her husband Macky says that answer still holds true!
When Kim found a cowboy who could ride, rope, and worker harder than she could — she married him! She and her husband Macky have four children and spent nearly 25 years managing the Spur Lake Cattle Co. — a large cattle ranch near Springerville, Arizona. They now run their own small herd in the White Mountains, working hard to maintain the unique lifestyle they know and love. Over the years, Kim’s art career has continued to expand and develop, earning her recognition and respect in the western art community not only locally, but across the nation.

Education & Professional Background
Studio Art w/ minor in Art History/English, Arizona State University – Main, Tempe, AZ
Art Teacher for 15 years
Northland Pioneer College, AZ
Scottsdale Artists School
Studied with Robert “Shoofly” Shufelt, Scottsdale, AZ
CAA Workshop
West Yellowstone, MT